Local Conference Order Form

photo of customer support specialist
Fields marked with an * are required

Step 1

Confirm your request for Local Access Conferencing by putting a checkmark in the box below:

Step 2

Checkmark the cities where you want to have a local conference access number:

Step 3

Step 4

Read the Agreement:

1. As Local Access Conference customer, I understand that I am charged on a per minute, per person basis and that I certify the information I submit on this form is true and correct and A+ Conferencing has my permission to use this information for credit checking purposes.

2. I will be billed monthly for my usage on the credit card provided and will be emailed or sent a hard copy receipt.

3. If I default, I understand my account will be put on a hold status until payments are made to restore my account.

4. I am also responsible for all usage of my passcodes, and will keep the codes confidential to prevent any unauthorized usage. If I do suspect any unauthorized usage, I will report it to Customer Service immediately at 888-239-3969