Flat (Fixed) Rate Order Form

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Fields marked with an * are required

Step 1

Choose the number of lines you want for your unlimited flat rate conference service:*

Number of Lines ... Monthly Rate:

Need more lines? Just call us at 877-254-2424 and we'll give you a quote. At no extra charge your service will include music on hold, beeps when participants leave and enter the conference, and auto hang up (conference is disconnected when the moderator hangs up). You can also change these preferences later. If you are looking for a Toll Free call-in number, you'll want our Pay As You Go service or our Pre-paid Toll Free Discount Supersaver program.

Step 2

Here's the Agreement:

1. I understand my account will be pre-paid and will be charged immediately, and then again on the 25th of each month for the following month's usage. If I wish to cancel my account, I will inform A+ Conferencing via email (cancellations(at)nwpros.com) by the 24th. Refunds for charges for the following month are not issued if the cancellation is not received by the 24th of the previous month.

2. The charge for flat rate services are pro-rated for the month, if orders are received after the 15th.

3. I authorize A+ to charge the following credit card for the conference services I have chosen and agree to pay the invoice in its entirety including all taxes and fees associated.

4. If I default, I understand my account will be put on a hold status until payments are made to restore my account.

5. I am also responsible for all usage of my pin codes, and will keep the codes confidential to prevent any unauthorized usage. If I do suspect any unauthorized usage, I will report it to Customer Service immediately at 888-239-3969

Do you accept the the Agreement?:

Step 3

Fill out your Customer information: