Pay As You Go Order Form

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Fields marked with an * are required

Step 1

Choose the Pay As You Go Conference service you want. There is no set-up charge and you are charged after your conference call

Explanation of your Options:

Live Conference Viewer. Log onto to your Live Conference Viewer website and see who is attending, by Caller ID number. You also have all your controls, such as lecture mode and individual muting. You still can record your calls for free, however, they can only be accessed for a limited time via phone and downloads are an extra charge.

At no extra charge, your service will also include music on hold, beeps when participants leave and enter the conference, and auto hang up (conference is disconnected when the moderator hangs up.) You can change these preferences later.

Step 2

Read the Agreement:

1. As a Pay as I Go Customer I understand that I am charged on a per minute, per person basis and that I certify the information I submit on this form is true and correct and A+ Conferencing has my permission to use this information for credit checking purposes. If credit is extended to me, I agree to pay my invoices promptly within the terms stated on the invoice.

2. If I default, I understand my account will be put on a hold status until payments are made to restore my account.

3. I am also responsible for all usage of my pin codes, and will keep the codes confidential to prevent any unauthorized usage. If I do suspect any unauthorized usage, I will report it to Customer Service immediately at 888-239-3969

Step 3

(It's best to overestimate the number of lines you will need. For example, if you think you'll have 10 people calling in, then put 15 to be on the safe side. You are only charged for what you use, so overestimating will not cost any extra.)